Dear leaders and teachers, good evening! I am very happy and uneasy to go to this platform. I'm glad to have such a good opportunity to speak freely with my colleagues; I am worried about my image and the topic of today's speech, the nutrition of vegetables
1. Vegetables contain a lot of water, usually 70% - 90%, in addition to a small amount of protein, fat, sugars, vitamins, inorganic salts and cellulose. Vegetables contain a variety of minerals, vitamins and food fiber, which play an important role in human physiological activities.
2. Vegetables can provide the main vitamins folic acid, carotene and B vitamins. The contents of vitamin C, carotene and folic acid were higher in dark leafy vegetables such as yellow, red and green.
3. The mineral content of green leafy vegetables is very rich; However, the oxalic acid in some vegetables (amaranth, spinach, macaroni, etc.) will affect the absorption of minerals by the human body. Therefore, when cooking these vegetables, you should blanch them with boiling water to remove the oxalic acid. Experts suggest that adults should eat 500 grams of vegetables a day, of which 2 / 3 are leafy vegetables and 1 / 3 are melons, fruits and rhizomes.
译文:尊敬的各位领导、各位老师: 晚上好!我很高兴也很忐忑走上这个讲台。高兴的是又有这么好的机会和同事们一起畅所欲言;忐忑的是自己的形象与今天演讲的主题蔬菜的营养
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Today, I would like to talk about vegetables, a topic that is both贴近生活 and of great importance to our health.
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